
The Prosperity of LoL

So where did LoL come from?! It is striking the eSports globe similar to a tsunami on the Republic of Indonesia. I individually have played it on and off since beta and have watched it blossom into this beautiful mature competitive moba. It has been no easy path for Riot. There has been so many pitfalls reached that Riot have seemed to not only jump over, but capitalize on and grow larger. How did they do it? What contributed to LoL's rise?

The first test for Riot was verse HoN. This competition I believe has emphasized just how effective the free to play idea can be. But free to play isn't a new idea and it is crucial to notice how good Riot balanced it with paid content. The achievable content and paid content is so finely tuned that it dangles enough over casual players to keep them going and wanting more while dedicated players essentially afford through the nose to get everything they think they need to play their best.

The Prosperity of LoL